Greenfield lifts State of Water Supply Conservation

GREENFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Greenfield is taking immediate action to lift the State of Water Conversation for the Greenfield water system.

This initiative was first declared last July during a region-wide drought. While in November, mandatory water-use restrictions were lifted. According to a news release, the water system has now gone back to normal operating water status.

With refinement in sufficient levels, Greenfield resumes drawing from the Leyden Glen Reservoir. The Millbrook Wellfield and Green River Pumping Station remain in normal operation.

“Though we’re technically still in a mild drought, the City’s water resources have recovered and we’re comfortable lifting the State of Water Supply Conservation,” said Department of Public Works Director Marlo Warner. “We want to thank residents and businesses that helped conserve this finite resource, and even though the water supply has returned to normal operations, it’s always a good idea to conserve.”

Conservation tips from the Massachusetts Drought Management Task Force include:

  • Address leaks as soon as possible
  • Conduct water audits on larger buildings and businesses to identify leaks and potential water conservation opportunities
  • Minimize lawn watering
  • Harvest rainwater for outdoor watering

For residents needing rain barrels, they can be found at the Greenfield DPW at 189 Wells Street. Rain barrels are priced at $79.

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