West Hartford Police Department Welcomes Two New Officers – We-Ha | West Hartford News

The West Hartford Police Department held a swearing-in ceremony for two new officers on Wednesday afternoon in Town Council chambers.

At the swearing-in ceremony for new West Hartford officers on Wednesday (from left): Assistant Chief Rob Riccobon, Assistant Chief Larry Terra, Town Manager Rick Ledwith, Mayor Shari Cantor, Ofc. Caitlyn Bilodeau, Ofc. Kendall Weake, Town Council member Carol Anderson Blanks, Sgt. Amanda Martin, Chief Vernon Riddick. Courtesy photo

By Ronni Newton

Two new officers, both women, were sworn in Wednesday afternoon as members of the West Hartford Police Department.

Chief Vernon Riddick presided over the swearing-in ceremony, and was joined by other members of the department’s administrative team, family, friends, and other department members. Sgt. Amanda Martin served as emcee.

Mayor Shari Cantor administered the oath of office, and Town Council Public Safety Committee Chair Carol Anderson Blanks and Town Manager Rick Ledwith also participated in the ceremony.

Ofc. Caitlyn Bilodeau with Chief Vernon Riddick. Courtesy photo

Ofc. Caitlyn Bilodeau was born in Hartford and up in South Carolina – but returned to the state to attend Central Connecticut State University where she graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in criminology.

During her entire time at Central, Bilodeau was a student patrol worker with the CCSU Police Department and worked closely with the officers – cementing her interest in her chosen career of law enforcement. She also interned at the victim-advocacy nonprofit organization “Survivors of Homicide” in Wethersfield.

Ofc. Kendall Weake with Chief Vernon Riddick. Courtesy photo

Ofc. Kendall Weake is a native of western Massachusetts, and was a Dean’s List student at Holyoke Community College where she earned an associate degree in criminal justice and was the lone recipient of the Excellence in Criminal Justice Award at her 2021 graduation.

She has had several jobs that have prepared her for and solidified her choice for a career in law enforcement – working in private security, including as the lead officer, for three college bars where she interacted with various types of people; and working as a summer correctional officer at a men’s medium-security jail in Ludlow, MA.

Ofc. Weake was offered a position with the United States Secret Service before applying to the West Hartford Police Department, but decided that she preferred to remain closer to her family in New England.

Weake actively pursues CrossFit training, and has played for the Hartford Women’s Club Rugby team for the past three years.

Both Ofc. Bilodeau and Ofc. Weake will attend the Police Academy in Waterbury this summer and following graduation will complete their training with the West Hartford Police Department’s Training Division.

Both shared that they are excited to begin their law enforcement careers with the West Hartford Police Department.

West Hartford Police Department swearing-in ceremony, July 12, 2023. Courtesy photo

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