Warmer temperatures in Gulf of Maine may mean year-round sharks

At any given time in the waters off Cape Cod beaches, there are at least a couple dozen great white sharks swimming around, patrolling for seals and resting up during their migratory routes along the East Coast. In recent years, the numbers of sharks stopping by has grown.

Local shark scientists are now putting an estimated figure on just how many of these sharks are visiting. According to a study just released, 800 individual white sharks dropped in over the four year course of the survey, conducted from 2015 to 2018.

But don’t be alarmed.

“The 800 number doesn’t mean all 800 individuals were here off our beaches at one time,” said Megan Winton, lead author of the study and a staff scientist for the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy in North Chatham, emphasizing the numbers are spread over four years.

During the study, published Thursday in the Marine Ecology Progress Series journal, the team not only generated annual estimates of the sharks, but also monthly estimates.

“They trickle in during late spring and June, and then the numbers start to ramp up. August is when there is the most activity,” Winton said.

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