Brace Yourself Montana, It’s Going To Be A Cold, Snowy, Winter

Looking ahead to winter in Montana it looks like it is going to be an active one. Recently both the Farmers Almanac and have released their forecasts for winter in Montana. It looks like both are in agreement that we may see some epic snow and some cold weather heading our way.

There are More Than One Farmer’s Almanac

There is more than one Farmer’s Almanac. There is the “Farmer’s Almanac” and there is the “Old Farmer’s Almanac“. They are two different publications. The Old Farmer’s Almanac splits Montana into two different regions. Western Montana is included in the “Intermountain” region and Eastern Montana is included in the “High Plains” region.

Montana’s Top 10 Record-Setting Wild Weather Events

Montana is named Big Sky Country for several reasons, not only grandiose Sunsets but impressive weather events as well! Ask any Montana resident who has scoffed at the idea of tossing a blanket or snow shovel in the trunk of the car ” just in case”. Here is a list of Montana’s Top 10 Record-Setting Wild Weather Events

Eastern Montana’s Forecast

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, Eastern Montana is forecasted to see more snow than normal with the most snow fall predicted to fall late November, mid-December, and mid-January. It is also forecasted to be colder than normal

Western Montana’s Forecast

Western Montana’s forecast is similar with a possibility of even more snow forecasted. The snowiest we may see is late-November, early and late January, and mid-February. It will also be colder than normal. They are forecasting December, and January to be 4 degrees below normal.

Plan Ahead for the Winter in Montana

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, The Farmer’s Almanac and they all are in agreement with the long range forecast for Montana, colder and more snow than the average this coming winter. It may be a little early, but if you have lived in Montana for any length of time you know that it may never be too early to prepare for the weather.

LOOK: Where people in Montana are moving to most

Stacker compiled a list of states where people from Montana are moving to the most using data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

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